Julian huffed a little and looked at her. “I told you, you don’t even need a dress. Though they are more comfortable.” he told her.
Her eyes set on him again, widening.
“You’ve worn a dress?” Maeve asked, holding back her laughter.
“It wasn’t a dress, more like a skirt.” he tried to explain, but the two of them were already laughing.

Current Word-Count 25511

Today’s Word-Count 1802

Alright, It’s been a rough month. My writing habits have been lacking a lot. Most days I don’t write anything and every few I go into some minor spikes of it.
Which isn’t too bad, I am writing after all. Just not at the pace that I would like.
At this point I need a little under 5,000 words a day to make my 50,000 word goal.

Not impossible, but not likely either, unless I buckle down for the next five days.
Then maybe I can sort things out and get a steady rhythm going to finish this novel.

Harris is making better progress but since she’s working on her second draft she sorta knows what she is getting into with her story.
Me, I consider this my first draft, since my ACTUAL first I never finished and I’ve reviewed the whole plot since then.
Now, I am trying to figure out how to best get these words out of my head and on paper.
Well, on my computer.
Does anyone else have this issue? Everything is so perfectly and lined up in your head but when you try to get the story out, it’s like finding hay in a needle stack.
Not that I want to try that to find out if the feeling is in anyway similar.

Now it’s late, nearly midnight and if all goes well I’ll be in bed soon. Soon enough that I should get to sleep and be up in the morning and get my 5,000 + words (again, hopefully).
Harris has her ways of keeping me motivated, with her encouragement and sprints.
Or crawls, as we have named some of them.

The month is almost up though, campers and I hope things have gone better for you than they have for me. Even if I could be doing better, I could definitely be doing worse.

Good luck to all those trying to wrap up their word counts and even if you don’t make it, I’m sure you all did great.

~ Thorn


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